How Irina Brodsky found her passion...
"I have a passion for helping people feel better: although I am a civil
engineer by training, I found working with people was my calling. After I
decided to follow my spiritual path, I became a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Reike Master.
My specialty is on pain reduction as well as childhood trauma. Later I became
Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN). And finally I found my calling with Hirudo Therapy.
I got my certification through The Academy of Hirudotherapy.
I am very passionate about the work I do. And it is my honor and privilege to assist
my clients in their journey to better health and beauty."
Irina B., Losa Angeles, June 2012
engineer by training, I found working with people was my calling. After I
decided to follow my spiritual path, I became a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Reike Master.
My specialty is on pain reduction as well as childhood trauma. Later I became
Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN). And finally I found my calling with Hirudo Therapy.
I got my certification through The Academy of Hirudotherapy.
I am very passionate about the work I do. And it is my honor and privilege to assist
my clients in their journey to better health and beauty."
Irina B., Losa Angeles, June 2012
Dear Alicja,-
Thank you very much for taking the time to teach me your knowledge of Hirudotherapy. I enjoyed our one on one time together. You have given me all the knowledge I was looking for and more. Even with my previous interest and studies of Hirudotherapy, I had no idea it was so comprehensive and that it could treat so many different diseases successfully.
I feel like I have the knowledge to treat the cases I deal with as an Acupuncturist. You are so genuine and passionate; I can't help but take that away with me also.
Your explanations of the case studies were also very interesting; the number of cases you have seen and the number of people that you have helped is absolutely amazing.
I can't wait to come and learn more from you. We will definitely be connected for ever by our interest in leeches.
Jessica Rea, Toronto-Canada
May, 2011
Gonratulations, Jessica! -- Please read Jessica's article. Cklick! July, 2012
Bravo, Jessica! Congratulations to your first published material
about hirudotherapy! I am absolutely proud of you! From the very beginning we,
at the Academy of Hirudotherapy in Las Vegas-New York USA, realized how
talented and devoted student we gained. You are the person we need and World
needs: an honest, knowledgeable professional that helps others to make healthier
lifestyle choices through natural healing and proves that IT IS POSSIBLE to stay
away from pharmaceutical drugs and its side effects! Way to go, Jessica